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Heat apparatus-Thermal Conductivity Meter(MS203.4)

Thermal Conductivity Meter(MS203.4)

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The instrument consists of same length and thickness of 4 metal strips, including the copper, brass, aluminum and iron (nickel plated),mounted on a plastic base plate side by side, one end of the metal strip hanging out 3cm on base plate(when experimental groups will hanging out 2cm), The other end is fixed to the lower orange platen, it also as handling crank. Surface of each metal sheet (except outer part of overhang base plate) printed with black and gray color
temperature change ink grids, equally distributed.

When the temperature of the ink reaches above 40 , it’s color will become milky white from black gray, so hot water about 60 can make the heat transfer experiment of metals. This experiment is more convenient, economical, safer thantraditional experiments with fire heated metal thermal conductivity test methods, Experimental effect is more obvious.

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Ningbo MS Scientific & Educational Instrument Co., Ltd
ADD:No.83 Siming East Road, Yin Town, Yinzhou District, Ningbo China
TEL:0574-88432237 88035982
FAX:0574-88431195 88035081
M T:0-13586547772

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